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Volunteer/Get Involved

Volunteer Application and Background Check
The volunteer application and background check have changed. You are now able to complete this online by clicking below. Once approved, you will be notified directly by the background check system and added to our approved volunteer list.   
Volunteers  (LINK to Volunteer Slide Show)
Bromley East Charter School encourages volunteering as opportunities arise. Before volunteering, please read the statements below to ensure you can complete your time successfully. 
Please bring your Government issued ID every time you enter the building.  Volunteers and guests must check in at the front office and wear a RAPTOR name badge. IDs are scanned every time you enter, as they are NOT stored for future check-ins. Although we recognize many of our families, this is for the safety of all staff and students.  Please help us by always having your ID with you while at BECS.
  • Please make arrangements for young children while volunteering during school hours to give full attention to your volunteer job. 
  • As a parent volunteer in public settings, you are representing BECS. Please conduct yourself in a professional manner:
    • Use school-appropriate language which inspires and positively reinforces children.
    • Choose appropriate clothing with no references to profanity, alcohol, or other adult activities.
    • Represent BECS in a positive manner; refrain from discussing concerns about children, staff members, or the school during a field trip.  Please address any concerns privately with a staff member following the field trip.
    • Please respect adults who are leading the experiences and support children in listening to directions and information. 
  • Volunteers should never administer consequences to students. Volunteers are permitted and encouraged to redirect unsafe behaviors and violations of the student code of conduct. Please reach out to a staff member if support is needed. Report concerns to the teacher on the field trip.
  • Never initiate any physical contact with students. Never put your hands on a student. 
  • Volunteers should not contact a student outside of the school setting.
  • Volunteers should not correct any staff member. If you have any concerns with staff, please see the Principal.